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Technical Description

The @findki/ui library is implemented using Preact which is bundled inside the library. This makes it very easy to use the library because users do not have known anything about Preact since it is just an implementation detail (unless using Slot Override Components).

Lazy Loading from our CDN

Although Preact footprint is very small it can cause web performance budget concerns but Findkit UI solves this by lazy loading the implementation just in time from our CDN when the user starts to interact with UI. This is true for the module script import and for the npm package import. Meaning even the npm package loads the actual implementation from our CDN. This can be disabled if you cannot depend on our CDN.


By default the UI renders a full screen modal into a dynamically created container with Shadow DOM and focus trapping. This ensures that UI can be opened on any page without having to worry that the page styles can interfere with it. This is of course customizable. You can disable the shadow dom and render the UI in a custom container without the modal.


The current search terms are saved in the query string using the browser History API. This ensures that the search results are restored when user presses the browser back button from a result page. Sometimes this routing method can conflict the used framework and it can be disabled or completely customized.


The UI library uses the @findkit/fetch module internally to make the search requests. This is public library that can be used directly as well when the UI library is too high level. It is a small wrapper around the Fetch API but it provides TypeScript types, JWT authentication and CORs support out of the box.

Source Code

The source code is written in TypeScript and React but compiled to JavaScript and Preact when published to npm and the CDN. The code and contributing documentation is available here: