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Slot Overrides

Slot Overrides are a way to replace some parts of the UI with custom ones. The overrrides are basically Preact components since Findkit UI is implemented in Preact. Even though Preact components are commonly written using JSX which requires a JS compiler, with Findkit UI the components can be created with just plain Javascript without any external tools.

See Slots for the available slots.


Preact is a re-implementation of React. If you know how to work with React you can work with Preact and thus Findkit UI slot overrides.

Lets go through a small example where we implement custom search input:

import { FindkitUI, html, useInput } from "@findkit/ui";

const ui = new FindkitUI({
publicToken: "<TOKEN>",
slots: {
Header() {
const ref = useInput();
return html`
<input ref=${ref} placeholder="My custom input" type="text" />

Here we use a slot named Header which replaces the existing search input and the close button with our own component. We use the html Javascript tagged template literal to render our custom UI and finally the useInput() hook is used to bind the input to the search UI.

Here's live demo

Open in a new tab view source code in Github or edit online in JSBin or Codesandbox


Each slot receives a children property which can be used to render the default slot content. This can used to render custom elements before or after the content.

Here's how you would render content before the build-in input:

const ui = new FindkitUI({
publicToken: "<TOKEN>",
slots: {
Header(props) {
return html`
<h1>My custom title</h1>


FindkitUI also provides few hooks to work with the internal UI state. See Hooks and Utils for details.

Here's an example how to use the custom hooks to create custom filtering buttons into the search UI:

Open in a new tab view source code in Github or edit online in JSBin or Codesandbox



Do not use hooks imported from the "preact" package in the slot override components. It will not work because Findkit UI bundles Preact inside itself and it works only with hooks bound to it. All hooks must be imported from the @findkit/ui package. See preact util.

import { preact } from "@findkit/ui";

const { useState } = preact;

function SlotComponent() {
const [state, setState] = useState();
// ...