Custom Router Data
When building custom user interfaces for filter
or any other Search Params you update
dynamically via updateParams
or updateGroups
it is paramount that the UI is
state is saved to the URL: When user clicks on a search result and decides to
come back the UI state and search params should be restored to what they were.
Implementing this manually is tedious and hard to get right which is why
FindkitUI provides .setCustomRouterData()
method which allows developers to add custom data to the URL and a
event which can be
used to read the previously set data.
Here's an example how we would save a plain HTML form data to the URL:
<input type="number" name="min" />
<input type="number" name="max" />
const ui = new FindkitUI({
publicToken: "<TOKEN>",
defaultCustomRouterData: { min: "0", max: "100" },
const form = document.querySelector("form");
// On form changes
form.addEventListener("input", () => {
// Save form state to the URL
ui.setCustomRouterData(Object.fromEntries(new FormData(form)));
// And make a search
// Restore form state from the URL on page load
ui.on("custom-router-data", (e) => {
// Restore form input values
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries( {
form.elements.namedItem(name).value = value;
// Update search too since programmatic form update
// does not trigger the "input" events
Now the form state is synchronized to the URL and it is restored when user navigates back to the search interface from another page.
The updateSearch()
function looks like this:
function updateSearch() {
ui.updateParams((params) => {
const data = Object.fromEntries(new FormData(form));
const $and = [];
if (data.min) {
$and.push({ price: { $gte: data.min } });
if (data.max) {
$and.push({ price: { $lte: data.max } });
params.filter.$and = $and;
The updateParams()
method always makes a new search
when the params change form the previously made search.
To put it all together see the following example. Open it to a new tab to see the URL.
Complex Form
This pattern can be used to synchronize much more complex states too. Checkout this example using checkboxes, dropdown and radio buttons.
React.js state
The URL state can be also synchronized the frontend framework state containers. See this React.js example: