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Disable CDN

As described in the Technical Description @findkit/ui lazy loads the implementation code from our CDN even when installing it from the npm package but there are few cases where you might want to disable this:

  • When contributing to @findkit/ui code
    • You cannot make test installations since the code of the test builds are not uploaded to our CDN.
  • If you need to run fork of @findkit/ui
  • You just cannot connect to from an internal network.
  • Developing offline


Here's how to skip the CDN usage:

import { FindkitUI } from "@findkit/ui";
import * as implementation from "@findkit/ui/implementation";

const ui = new FindkitUI({
publicToken: "<TOKEN>",
async load() {
return implementation;

but this also disables the lazy loading since the code is now included in the bundle. If your bundler supports the dynamic import() you can import them lazily in the load() handler:

import { FindkitUI } from "@findkit/ui";

const ui = new FindkitUI({
publicToken: "<TOKEN>",
async load() {
return import("@findkit/ui/implementation");