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Offset Modal

If you want to put the search input in your website header you can use the Offset Modal pattern where the modal is just offsetted below the header. This is implemented by binding an external input from the header to Findkit UI using the .bindInput() method, hiding the build-in one using the header option and pushing the modal down with a top offset.

const ui = new FindkitUI({
publicToken: "<TOKEN>",
// We use the site header so no need for the build-in one
header: false,

// Allow focus only to the header when the search modal is open.
// Eg. set all direct children of the body except the header to be inert
inert: "body > *:not(header)",

css: `
.findkit--modal-container {
top: 100px;



Since we are now removing some of the built-in default behaviour we must ensure the following is properly implemented:

  • There's a close button
  • Focus is managed properly with the inert option
    • The input in the header should be focusable but the focus should not go behind the modal
  • Search fetch status is indicated
  • Lazy loading status is not actually that important because it can load in the background while the user types search terms

These can be implemented using the methods and events exposed by the FindkitUI instance like in the demo below or in the slot overrides.


Because we hard-code the header offset we must check that it works properly on all screen sizes since the header height might be dynamic. Use media queries or ResizeObserver etc. to tackle this. For more complex UI this might get tricky. Another option is to use the Content Overlay pattern which is bit more involved to implement but it is not as hacky.


We can use a ResizeObserver to monitor the header height, sync it to a CSS variable and use it as the top offset. See the demo below.

const ui = new FindkitUI({
publicToken: "<TOKEN>",
header: false,
inert: "main, footer",
css: `
.findkit--modal-container {
/* dynamically updating header height */
top: var(--top-offset);

ui.on("open", (e) => {
// Start monitoring the header height when the modal is opened
const observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
const height = entries[0].borderBoxSize[0].blockSize;
// Expose the height as CSS variable to the Findkit UI container = `--top-offset: ${height}px`;


// Stop monitoring when the modal is closed.
ui.once("close", () => {


Fixed Height

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