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Testing Crawls

When working with crawlers you need to be able to check that crawler works correctly on your site without actually updating the production index.

For this we provide the findkit crawl test subcommand. Example

findkit crawl test ""

This will read current the findkit.toml file from the current working directory or one pointed by --path and will ask Findkit crawler infrastructure to crawl the given page with current toml config. Eg. you can test toml changes that are not yet deployed with findkit deploy. It will report how it crawled the page.

The output is following

HTTP Status: 200
Crawl Status: ok
Title: Running Crawls
Language: en
Created: 2023-10-24T07:54:15.483Z
Modified: 2023-10-24T07:54:15.483Z
Tags: language/en, crawler
Content: Running Crawls Findkit can crawl pages in three modes…
[add --content to show all 1634 characters]

It can also detect bad urls

$ findkit crawl test ""
HTTP Status: 404
Crawl Status: skipped
Message: Gone

or toml bad toml configs

$ findkit crawl test ""
Crawl Status: skipped
Message: Denied by deny pattern: /crawler

or even toml invalid toml configs

$ findkit crawl test ""
[ERROR] Invalid TOML syntax at findkit.toml
[ERROR] Unterminated string at row 13, col 25, pos 345:
[ERROR] 12: [[targets]]
[ERROR] 13> host = "
[ERROR] 14:

Testing local dev and staging sites

You can run the crawl against localhost with --local-http and --target.

findkit crawl test --local-http --target "http://localhost:3000/crawler/running-crawls/"

This uses the target from the toml config and makes the HTTP request to


directly from the CLI process.

The HTML string is then passed to the Findkit crawler to be parsed. It will see an artificial response to http://localhost:3000/crawler/running-crawls/ with the locally fetched HTML. It does itself not make any outgoing network requests.


If your toml file has only one target the --target option can omitted when using --local-http

This can be used crawl any site accessible from you local machine. For example staging sites that are behind firewalls etc.

Testing local files

It is also possible to crawl local files with --file

findkit crawl test --file page.html ""

This can be useful if you need to quickly try out how to fix production site.

For example use curl to download a page

curl "" > page.html

Try making some fixes to the html with your favorite editor

vim page.html

and see if it worked

findkit crawl test --file page.html ""