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TranslationStrings interface

UI strings available for translation


export interface TranslationStrings 


Property Modifiers Type Description
"all-results-shown" string Text shown when all search results are shown
"aria-label-close-search" string Aria label on the close search button
"aria-label-findkit-messages" string Title for the message box from the server which shows the "Powered by Findkit" for free plans
"aria-label-group-hit-total" string Aria label for the group section landmark on the multiple group search view
"aria-label-highlight-link" string Aria label on the search highlight link with scroll anchor. Used on the title attribute as well.
"aria-label-highlights" string Aria label on the highlights component
"aria-label-hit-url" string Aria label on the Hit URL
"aria-label-hit" string Aria label on the Hit group element
"aria-label-search-controls" string Aria label for the search controls section landmark containing the search input,search button and the close button.
"aria-label-search-form" string Aria label for the
"aria-label-search-group-nav" string Aria label on the
"aria-label-search-input" string Aria label on the search input
"aria-live-focus-search-results-with-shift-enter" string Announced tip for focusing the first search result with Shift+Enter
"aria-live-group-navigation-search-multiple-groups" string Announced message on group navigation on the search results heading when multiple groups are shown. Visually hidden.
"aria-live-group-navigation-search-selected-group" string Announced message on group navigation on the search results heading when a single gropu is selected. Visually hidden.
"aria-live-group-result-details" string Announced search results details about the groups ands hits when the Enter key is pressed on the search input on multiple group search view.
"aria-live-loading-results" string Announced search loading message when the Enter key is pressed on the search input when the search results are still loading.
"aria-live-too-few-search-terms" string Announced error when there is too few search terms when the Enter key is pressed on the search input.
"aria-live-total-results" string Announced search results total when the Enter key is pressed on the search input on a single group view.
"aria-show-all" string Aria label on the "show all" link shown on the multiple group view
"error-title" string Error title when the search fails
"go-back" string Text on the back button when user has navigated to a group
"load-more" string Texton the load more button
"no-results" string Text shown on the Hit list when there is no search results
"show-all" string Text on the show all link
"single-search-results-heading" string Visually hidden heading for the search results when only single group is used
"sr-search-instructions-modal" string Additional aria description on the search input when using modal mode
"sr-search-instructions" string Aria description on the search input
"submit-search" string Text on the visually hidden submit search button
"superwords-match" string title attribute on the superwords match star icon
"total-search-results-in-group" string title attribute on the group title total number
"try-again" string Text on the try again button when the search fails
close string Aria label on the close button