Home > @findkit/ui > State

State interface


export interface State 


Property Modifiers Type Description
announceResultsMessage { key: number; text: string; }
canAnnounceResults boolean
currentGroupId string | undefined
error { source: "fetch" | "other"; message: string; } | undefined
groupOrder GroupOrder Result group sorting method
header boolean Show the default modal header
infiniteScroll boolean
inputs { el: HTMLInputElement; unbindEvents: () => void; }[]
keyboardCursor string | undefined ID of the element keyboard cursor is at
lang string | undefined Search params lang filter
loading boolean
lockScroll boolean Active the useScrollLock() hook
messages { id: string; message: string; }[] Messages returned from the search-endpoint which are rendered before the search results
nextGroupDefinitions GroupDefinitionWithDefaults[] Search to be used on the next search
pendingCustomRouterData CustomRouterData | undefined
resultGroups { [groupId: string]: EngineResultGroup; }
searchParams string URLbar query string aka window.location.search
status Status
ui { lang: string; translations: { [lang: string]: Partial<TranslationStrings>; }; }
usedGroupDefinitions GroupDefinitionWithDefaults[] Search groups used on the last completed search
usedTerms string | undefined Search terms used on the last completed search